Introduction Vocational Christian leaders in Western nations are leaving ministry and/or burning out at an alarming rate. The epidemic of leadership casualties in Christian organizations …
Introduction Vocational Christian leaders in Western nations are leaving ministry and/or burning out at an alarming rate. The epidemic of leadership casualties in Christian organizations …
Introduction In October of 2016, the Financial Reporting Council in Nigeria introduced a new Governance Code,1 stipulating that leaders or founders of nonprofit organizations, including …
Tribute to Dr. Bruce Campbell Moyer Dr. Bruce Campbell Moyer was a significant part of the mission of the North American Division (NAD) of the …
Introduction Over the past decades, corporate corruption and unethical behavior have risen steadily. This has caused organizations to be scrutinized, leading to a corporate environment …
Introduction Pivotal to the success of any organization is its leadership, and more so is this the case with Christian organizations. Little wonder that it …
Introduction In Joel 2:28-29, God promises an innovation regarding how He will make His Spirit available in the last days. He promises, “I will pour …
Leadership Applied in the Early Church (1 Pet. 5:1–5) In the first part of this two-part series we explored the concepts of self-ascendant hierarchy introduced …
Introduction The biblical foundations of leadership begin to be laid in the first chapter of Genesis and conclude with the declaration of a kingly leadership …
Introduction This article is motivated by an academic work and a field research project developed by Hugo E. Quiroga (2012; personal communication, 2015) …
Introduction Ethnic, tribal, and racial identities are a challenge not only to society in general but to the Christian church in particular. As …