Resilience in Times of Adversity: A Story Still Unfolding

The article you are about to read attempts to delve into the concept that leadership does not emerge in isolationā€”it is not merely forged by …

A Christian Woman Leads 300 Volunteers to Assist Refugees in Europe (2015-2018)

ā€œWe are facing a perfect storm of a refugee crisis and very little courage or leadership in facing it.ā€ These are the words of William …

Followership and the Struggle to Lead

ā€œWelcome, Prince,ā€ said Aslan. ā€œDo you feel yourself sufficient to take up the Kingship of Narnia?ā€ ā€œIā€”I donā€™t think I do, Sir,ā€ said Caspian. ā€œI …

Reviving a Dying Church: The Role of Leadership

In 2014, Bill McClendon, vice president for church growth in the Washington Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, was called by the Chesapeake Conference to pastor the …

The Historical Role of Women in African Indigenous Churches

Introduction From their inception, African Indigenous churches (AICs) accepted the parallel roles of males and females in leadership. This may have been because before the …

Pastoral Wellness: Six Tips for Vocational Health

Who decides the role of the pastor in the local church? The conference administrators? The ministerial director? The pastorā€™s spouse? The pastor? Or could it …