Resolute Leaders and Unfazed Visionaries: Euphoria, Disappointments, and Sacrifices

Great leaders are visionaries; they are decisive, energetic, reflective, perceptive, and resilient. Adroit at articulating compelling visions, they can generate productive enthusiasm. They treasure unwavering …

Spiritual Leaders Illuminated from Inside

Leaders are like cathedrals: when it is dark outside, they shine only if they are illuminated from inside. One evening, the electricity went out for …

The Benefit of Leading with Christian Values

value (noun)/ˈvæljuː/ how much something is worth in money or other goods for which it can be exchanged the quality of being useful or important …

“Self-Care:” Not Just a Buzzword

The phrase “self-care” is frequently used in our culture today. If you Google “self-care,” countless articles are sure to populate your search results. And while …