Success is about building hearts, not resumes. β Tommy Spaulding If you are reading this journal, you are almost certainly a Christian leader, meaning you …
Success is about building hearts, not resumes. β Tommy Spaulding If you are reading this journal, you are almost certainly a Christian leader, meaning you …
Team leadership comes with a cost. It guards against self-interest and is a sanctifying work. Within the pericope of Mark 6:7β13 rests a fascinating insight …
Drs. Nancy and Ron Rockey founded Fixable Life, Inc. (now known as Life Renewal) after years of marital frustration and discord. Their past experiences, magnified …
Abstract: The book of Revelation contrasts two distinct approaches to leadership. This article describes these approaches and concludes how Christians should practice leadership today. The …
Abstract: In this article, the author suggests midcareer is a central but transitional season in a Christian leadersβ life-course. During this season, the Lord seeks …
Abstract: Both the emotion and expression of gratitude produce benefits for the person who is thankful, as well as the person being thanked. This study …
Leadership theory covers a vast spectrum of skills, behaviors, and relationships. The theoretical world of leadership continues as a dynamic and agile field of study, …
Introduction Vocational Christian leaders in Western nations are leaving ministry and/or burning out at an alarming rate. The epidemic of leadership casualties in Christian organizations …
By T. J. VinCrossLincoln, NE: AdventSource (2020) Paperback edition, 251 pages Reviewed by CHARITY STONE Deep Calling: On Being and Growing Disciples describes how to …