Spiritual Leaders Illuminated from Inside

Leaders are like cathedrals: when it is dark outside, they shine only if they are illuminated from inside. One evening, the electricity went out for …

Organizational Leadership Principles in the Creation Account

In the creation account of Genesis Chapters 1 through 3—which calls people created in His image to be fruitful and multiply and exercise authority over …

Leadership in Higher Education: A Former Adventist University President Reflects on His Own Tenure-Part I

Bordes Henry SaturnĂ©, on behalf of the Journal of Applied Christian Leadership: Dr. Mwansa, please introduce our readers to Rusangu University. Pardon Kandanga Mwansa: Rusangu …

Leadership in Higher Education: A Former Adventist University President Reflects on His Own Tenure-Part II

Bordes Henry SaturnĂ©, on behalf of the Journal of Applied Christian Leadership: Dr. Bietz, how did you become president of Southern Adventist University (SAU)? Gordon …

Leadership and Organizational Dynamics

Abstract: Research on organizational effectiveness highlights several key roles for successful leadership, including timely, clear communication; priorities shared within the context of a compelling vision; …

Transformation Leadership Development Through the Social Change Model

Abstract: Christians are not called to build bigger churches. Instead, we are called to be better at being human—in communion with God and one another, …

A Christian Woman Leads 300 Volunteers to Assist Refugees in Europe (2015-2018)

“We are facing a perfect storm of a refugee crisis and very little courage or leadership in facing it.” These are the words of William …

Followership and the Struggle to Lead

“Welcome, Prince,” said Aslan. “Do you feel yourself sufficient to take up the Kingship of Narnia?” “I—I don’t think I do, Sir,” said Caspian. “I …

The Heart Has Reasons That Reason Cannot Know: “The Nature Of Adventist Legalism And Implications For Pastors

Jennifer was a sincere Christian. She was actively involved in her church and did her best to follow God’s laws to the letter. Yet Jennifer …

Leadership Legacy: Chance or Choice? Stories and Ideas for Developing Your Own Legacy

By Robson M. Marinho Global Learning (2018) Paperback, 367 pages Reviewed by JAY L. BRAND Introduction and Overview If readers will allow a relevant metaphor, …